THREE in 30

Three Strategies for the Student-Centric Institution

Episode 4 | February 2024

Is your institution prepared for the modern student?

Amidst the uncertainties surrounding the future of American higher education, proactive leaders understand the importance of reorienting their focus from institutional needs to the needs of students for sustainable long-term success. Effectively managing intricate data and harnessing emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), can be instrumental in reshaping this paradigm.

Join Art Munin, Ph.D., AVP, enrollment management solutions at Liaison, and Vijay Pendakur, Ph.D., founder and principal of Vijay Pendakur Consulting, LLC, for a candid conversation about how to reach three achievable goals by managing data and leveraging AI:

  1. Elevate student engagement and learning outcomes.
  2. Tailor education to meet the unique needs of individual students.
  3. Foster a sense of community on campus.

TOPICS: Undergraduate Education, Artificial Intelligence, Student Success

Ai in Action eBook

Eager to build an AI-powered future?

Explore our AI in Action eBook and discover real-world stories of how schools are using Artificial Intelligence to meet enrollment goals and achieve measurable success.


Art Munin

Art Munin, Ph.D.

AVP, Enrollment Management Solutions

Vijay Pendakur

Vijay Pendakur, Ph.D.

Founder and Principal
Vijay Pendakur Consulting, LLC

Disclaimer: Please note that the views and opinions expressed by the participants of 'Three in 30' are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of Liaison.