Liaison - - NASH

Some of Our Current System Partners

NASH - National Association of Higher Education Systems
University of Hawai'i System
California State University
Montana University System

Liaison partners with The National Association of Higher Education Systems (NASH) to address the pressing challenges facing higher education.

Imagine a streamlined enrollment process that unlocks brighter futures for students. With this vision, the Liaison-NASH partnership supports higher education systems by offering unified, scalable student application pathways and centralizing recruitment initiatives to connect students to opportunity.

The Power of Partnership

The Liaison-NASH partnership addresses increasing challenges in student mobility, legislative mandates, and system-wide data needs. Through a centralized application approach emphasizing student pathways, a system can achieve streamlined enrollment and transfers, eliminating administrative burdens and reducing inefficiencies.

This forms the foundation for a consolidated enrollment experience, serves as a starting point for expanded system-wide student access, and provides systems with scalable and sustainable pathways to public higher education.

The partnership’s guiding principle is NASH's concept of "Systemness" and also capitalizes on Liaison's well-established track record of collaboration with public higher education systems nationwide.

Learn more about the benefits of a
system-wide centralized application service


Centralized Applications: A Transformative Approach to Expanding
System-Wide Access

Watch Today

State systems
will benefit from: 


Efficient Enrollment Processes

Join a dynamic network that enables a unified and scalable approach to student mobility and system-wide enrollment processes, regardless of your current application pathway. This fosters flexibility, eliminates redundancy, and enhances efficiency for all students across your system. Whether addressing a high school student transitioning to college, a community college student transferring to a four-year institution, or an undergraduate progressing to a graduate or professional institution, our unique and proven enterprise-based platform simplifies the process, significantly reducing administrative burdens and confusion for both institutions and students.


Data-Driven Analytics

In addition to a streamlined enrollment process, a system gains access to real-time, system-wide data and transparency into student behavior trends. This empowers various enrollment executives of different campuses to conduct in-depth analyses and enhance student access and success across your individual colleges and universities. These actionable insights are powered by Liaison’s AI technology that extends into predictive and prescriptive actions that strengthen your pipeline and critical decision making.


National Impact

Collaborate with Liaison and NASH to generate impactful national reports, thought leadership, and advocate for policies based on comprehensive data analytics. Sharing the benefits of system-wide enhancements with all members fosters a deeper sense of shared "systemness," driving nationwide initiatives in student mobility. This positions you at the forefront of national education conversations, aligning with NASH’s mission to promote equitable student success and national prosperity.

Students will
benefit from:


Simplified College Search

Students will experience a unified applications approach within the system, offering a streamlined platform where students can easily compare and apply to multiple campuses and programs through a single, user-friendly portal regardless of the pathway they are pursuing.


Streamlined Profile, Streamlined Process

Students create a single profile highlighting their achievements and information, eliminating the need for repetitive data entry across different applications. This centralized record saves time and effort, allowing students to focus on showcasing their potential.


Effortless Experience, Elevated Service

Eliminate confusing deadlines and inconsistent communication. A standardized process with uniform timelines and costs across all programs and campuses ensures a predictable and user-friendly experience. Improved service levels guarantee prompt and helpful support throughout the application journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

The FAQs below outline anticipated questions regarding the Centralized Application Service (CAS) delivered by Liaison through the NASH partnership.

About Liaison and NASH

Partnering with Liaison

Implementing a System CAS Solution

Capabilities and Customization

The Student Experience

Craig Cornell

Learn more about the Liaison-NASH partnership

Get in touch with Craig Cornell, Liaison's managing director for enrollment strategy.