Some of Our Current System Partners

Liaison partners with The National Association of Higher Education Systems (NASH) to address the pressing challenges facing higher education.
Imagine a streamlined enrollment process that unlocks brighter futures for students. With this vision, the Liaison-NASH partnership supports higher education systems by offering unified, scalable student application pathways and centralizing recruitment initiatives to connect students to opportunity.
The Power of Partnership
The Liaison-NASH partnership addresses increasing challenges in student mobility, legislative mandates, and system-wide data needs. Through a centralized application approach emphasizing student pathways, a system can achieve streamlined enrollment and transfers, eliminating administrative burdens and reducing inefficiencies.
This forms the foundation for a consolidated enrollment experience, serves as a starting point for expanded system-wide student access, and provides systems with scalable and sustainable pathways to public higher education.
The partnership’s guiding principle is NASH's concept of "Systemness" and also capitalizes on Liaison's well-established track record of collaboration with public higher education systems nationwide.
Learn more about the benefits of a
system-wide centralized application service

Centralized Applications: A Transformative Approach to Expanding
System-Wide Access
State systems
will benefit from:

Efficient Enrollment Processes
Join a dynamic network that enables a unified and scalable approach to student mobility and system-wide enrollment processes, regardless of your current application pathway. This fosters flexibility, eliminates redundancy, and enhances efficiency for all students across your system. Whether addressing a high school student transitioning to college, a community college student transferring to a four-year institution, or an undergraduate progressing to a graduate or professional institution, our unique and proven enterprise-based platform simplifies the process, significantly reducing administrative burdens and confusion for both institutions and students.

Data-Driven Analytics
In addition to a streamlined enrollment process, a system gains access to real-time, system-wide data and transparency into student behavior trends. This empowers various enrollment executives of different campuses to conduct in-depth analyses and enhance student access and success across your individual colleges and universities. These actionable insights are powered by Liaison’s AI technology that extends into predictive and prescriptive actions that strengthen your pipeline and critical decision making.

National Impact
Collaborate with Liaison and NASH to generate impactful national reports, thought leadership, and advocate for policies based on comprehensive data analytics. Sharing the benefits of system-wide enhancements with all members fosters a deeper sense of shared "systemness," driving nationwide initiatives in student mobility. This positions you at the forefront of national education conversations, aligning with NASH’s mission to promote equitable student success and national prosperity.
Students will
benefit from:

Simplified College Search
Students will experience a unified applications approach within the system, offering a streamlined platform where students can easily compare and apply to multiple campuses and programs through a single, user-friendly portal regardless of the pathway they are pursuing.

Streamlined Profile, Streamlined Process
Students create a single profile highlighting their achievements and information, eliminating the need for repetitive data entry across different applications. This centralized record saves time and effort, allowing students to focus on showcasing their potential.

Effortless Experience, Elevated Service
Eliminate confusing deadlines and inconsistent communication. A standardized process with uniform timelines and costs across all programs and campuses ensures a predictable and user-friendly experience. Improved service levels guarantee prompt and helpful support throughout the application journey.
Frequently Asked Questions
The FAQs below outline anticipated questions regarding the Centralized Application Service (CAS) delivered by Liaison through the NASH partnership.
About Liaison and NASH
Liaison’s history with product and service offerings like CAS and Living Profile, in alignment with NASH’s mission, has been focused on equitable student success. Liaison’s deep experience and technical expertise has been at the forefront of providing seamless admissions application and enrollment success, serving over 70 discipline-based and white-labeled CASs, used by more than 1,200 institutions nationally. Currently, Liaison has products and services in place within 100% of NASH member systems. This success has led to four national system relationships starting with one of the largest systems in the country – the California State University (CSU) system. With a student-focused application and system-specific enhancements, Montana and Hawai'i systems have joined CSU in leading the way to greater student access and mobility.
The systemwide Liaison Centralized Application Service (CAS) is a highly configurable platform that allows for flexible configuration based on each public higher education system's unique needs, specifications, branding, data protocols, integration, and advanced analytics. The student-friendly architecture allows for deeper insight across the system with adaptability to current enrollment trends as well as unique state- and systemwide challenges.
Additionally, campuses achieve significant efficiencies with a CAS by curating services inside one application, including the cost saving opportunity to reduce requirements on campus and a competitive speed to decision. As a result, the benefit of “systemness” allows for shared services, shared innovation, and shared enhancements within systems and across the entire NASH Enrollment Intelligence (EI) network due to the capabilities developed within the current architecture.
The NASH Network allows for the power of “systemness” by coordinating all systemwide CAS instances throughout the nation. As a result, shared architecture, multitenant solutions, deep student longitudinal data analytics, and a standardized approach to college and workforce matriculation exist. Additionally, each system is able to provide its unique presence in its own highly configurable CAS for its constituents.
Systems that are currently utilizing a CAS solution have benefited by providing a standard application experience across the campuses in their system, generating significant efficiencies in the admissions process, freeing up staff time and resources to focus on enhanced services to students and families, and providing a singular set of criteria and a shared experience with everything from timelines and fees to high school guidance counselor training that apply to all schools. NASH Network provides the opportunity to share across systems development, customizations, and enhancements. As has been seen with the other CAS system implementations, the CAS application process is only the first step in providing the foundation for growing service enhancements that range from Direct Admissions and the Transfer Planner to highly specific communications to students and parents for admissions, and financial literacy, all in support of expanded system initiatives that provide greater student engagement for higher education and workforce development.
As a member of the NASH Network, systems will benefit in several ways:
A Comprehensive Solution to Reach Greater and Diverse Applicant Pools
- Campuses utilizing the CAS platform realize an increase in application volumes starting as early as the first year.
- CAS provides a comprehensive, connected solution throughout the student academic pathway from high school to community college to undergraduate and graduate programs and finally to the workforce. Through this pathway, students are continually nurtured to remain connected to the state System and get ultimately employed within the state.
- CAS provides a centralized access point for students, making it easier to apply to multiple campuses and/or programs, while offering those programs a decentralized ability to ask unique questions and brand their individual identities.
- Additionally, as a NASH Network member, a System will gain access to the growing Living Profile to gain visibility into a national pool of potential applicants. The Living Profile is a platform that allows applicants to create a life-long, continually updated profile and to define long-term academic and career goals, and allow them to be visible to State Systems and eventually employers.
Cost Savings and Administrative Efficiencies
- Systems and individual campuses see day-to-day cost savings due to improvements in speed to decision for applicants since all front-end applications processes are automated.
- Systems and individual campuses will realize a potential reduction in staff costs on campus for application processing and support, offering more time to focus on student yield and the personalized support of applicants and their families.
- Systems and campuses experience access and communication capability to potential applicants interested in a campus, campuses, or the system that previously did not exist.
Access to a SYSTEMNESS Architecture
- In the truest sense of systemness, as we have seen with current systems, systems in the NASH Network will share best practices as enhancements to the baseline CAS are automatically shared with all other systems.
- A system will not only be able to see its own student mobility and longitudinal data but will be able to compare that to the larger NASH Network data. This can be used for comparison, deeper reporting, and improved analytics through anonymized cohort reporting. Where applicable and approved, campus-to-campus comparisons can be shared within the system.
Partnering with Liaison
Support services included with CAS for systems include the collection of transcripts, letters of recommendation, and other artifacts that might be required for submission. They are gathered and automatically attached to a student’s completed application and available for review. Additionally, Liaison handles student support in the form of phone, email, and live chat, reducing the support burden on campus throughout the year, and more importantly, at critical peak times near deadlines.
Optional additional services are also available with Liaison. Through this partnership, NASH members will have the opportunity to develop a systemwide CAS solution that is highly configurable at the system level, as well as at individual campus levels to meet their needs. Like the systems already using a CAS solution, Liaison will partner with you to consult, enhance, and develop comprehensive enrollment solutions that meet your requirements. Liaison offers a wide set of services and products, ranging from lead delivery and marketing services to CRMs and prescriptive and predictive analytics – these solutions are already deployed on hundreds of campuses throughout the nation.
Yes. Liaison would be happy to demonstrate the CAS solution as well as facilitate a connection with a system already using the Liaison CAS to learn about their experience. There are several already live and in production, including Cal State Apply, Apply Montana, and the University of Hawai’i System.
Implementing a System CAS Solution
Yes. In fact, a CAS solution allows for those offices and staff to be freed to focus on their core strengths without distraction of time-consuming application system maintenance, enhancements, and other tasks. CAS also supports permissioned access to data, keeping each campus from seeing, accessing, or communicating with another campus’s applicants. This results in greater efficiency and savings of valuable resources. While sharing a common solution across a system, each institution will still maintain the ability to independently implement its own enrollment management initiatives that align with its own branding, mission, and goals, while benefiting from the systemwide shared knowledge and assistance a system CAS provides.
Capabilities and Customization
CAS interfaces with more than 25 existing SISs, CRMs, vendors of tests, transcripts, and letters of recommendation. At the same time, it provides real-time support for all applicants by answering any questions they have related to their college application journeys. The CAS and associated services are designed technically and strategically to provide a state-of-the-art user experience and serve as a gateway to innovation. The CAS application is currently used by over 40,000 programs across the higher education landscape with high Net Promoter Scores (NPS) – a measure of overall experience satisfaction and likelihood to recommend the service.
As a highly configurable platform, CAS is designed as an enterprise-based application system that can accommodate the inherent application data as well as any supporting data elements and document requests from internal and/or third-party applications.
Yes. This function is already in production at the CSU. Additionally, Liaison is exploring the implementation of this solution with other systems.
The Student Experience
A systemwide CAS provides a one-stop, seamless way by which a student and family can easily navigate the often-confusing application process. As most systems have multiple campuses with multiple applications, simply comparing institutions can become a large hinderance to students and families. A system CAS serves as the application of record and allows a student to create one profile to use across multiple campuses and/or programs within the system. The platform also allows for standardized processes, timelines, deadlines, costs, communications and experiences that both streamline the process to reduce the applicant’s time, cost and expense, while improving service levels, to allow for an easily navigable student application process.
Learn more about the Liaison-NASH partnership
Get in touch with Craig Cornell, Liaison's managing director for enrollment strategy.